Bunchana Atthakor's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Summary, International Cooperation and Agricultural Development in Thailand1964
2.Bunchana's Report on Official Trips Abroad During 19641965
3.A Note on Economic Development of Thailand1967
4.A Note on Foreign Technical and Economic Cooperation1967
5.Supervision of Finance: A Study of American Practice and Its Possible Application to Thailand1958
6.Keynote Address by his Excellency, Mr. Bunchana Atthakor, Minister of Economic Affairs1969
7.Economic Development and National Security1969
8.Agricultural Development and International Trade, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor = การพัฒนาเกษตรกับการค้าระหว่างประเทศ1969
9.Than Chao Khun Anuman Rajadhon, from Experiences and Idea (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor = ท่านเจ้าคุณอนุมานราชธน1969
10.A Message Delivered at the Conference of the Overseas Chinese Shipping Associatin, from Experiences and Idea (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor = สาส์นในการประชุมการเดินเรือของชาวจีนโพ้นทะเล ครั้งที่ 21969
11.A Speech Delivered at the Life insurance Counselors' Association, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor = คำปราศรัยต่อสมาคมไลก้า1969
12.A Speech Delivered at the Meeting of Economic Representatives from Japan, from Experiences and Idea (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor = คำปราศรัยต่อคณะผู้แทนเศรษฐกิจจากประเทศญี่ปุ่น1970
13.International Trade Policy, from Experiences and Idea (Collected Statemetns and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor = นโยบายการค้าระหว่างประเทศ1969
14.Rice Trading Policy and the Solution to the Balance of Trade Problems, from Experiences and Idea (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor = นโยบานการค้าข้าวและการแก้ดุลการค้า1969
15.Economic Development in South East Asia, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor = การพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจในเอเซียอาคเนย์1969
16.Current Economic Thoughts at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor1969
17.Thailand's Foreign Trade, from Experiences and Idea (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor1969
18.Objectives, Policies and Plans of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor1969
19.Economic Prospects of Asia, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor1969
20.Agenda for Southeast Asia, from Experiences and Idea (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor1969
21.An Interview, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, ̀969) of Bunchana Atthakor = คำสัมภาษณ์1969
22.The Role of Industry in Solving Balance of Trade Prblems, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor = บทบาทของอุตสาหกรรมในการแก้ปัญหาดุลการค้า1969
23.Cooperation for Economic Development and Trade Expansion Requested by the Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor1969
24.Thailand's Foreign Trade Policy, from Experiences and Idea (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor1969
25.The Economic Machine, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor1969
26.A Convocation Address, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor1969
27.An Opening Address, Delivered at the Seminar on Development of Senior administrators ECAFE, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchan Atthakor1969
28.Some Current Economic Problems of Thailand, from Experience and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speeches, 1969) of Bunchana Atthakor1969
29.Prospective Role of the United States in Asia, from Experiences and Ideas (Collected Statements and Speechs, 1969) of Buchana Atthakor1969
30.My Visit to Communist Europe and China = บันทึกเมื่อข้าพเจ้าไปเยือนประเทศคอมมิวนิสต์ยุโรปและจีน1978
31.16 Prime Ministers of Thailand : Personal Recollections = บันทึก วิเคราะห์และวิจารณ์ 16 นายกรัฐมนตรีไทย1983
32.Philosophical Concepts in Social Insurance = แนวปรัชญาในการประกันสังคม
33.Bunchana's report on official trips abroad during 19641965
34.Finance administration
35.Buncghana Atthakor's memoirs : life and dreams1987
36.Bunchana's report, on official trips aboroad during 19641966